The Key Elements of the Plus Size Baddie Aesthetic

A guide for plus size women that lays out in detail the Baddie aesthetic whenever she appears in public or on Instagram. 

Be it on Instagram, on the street, or at your local mall, when you spot a plus size Baddie in public it can be hard to tell whether they’re aware of the power they hold over men and women alike. So if you’re looking to take the aesthetic plunge yourself, here are the key elements of the plus size baddie’s style that will help make you sexier than you ever thought possible.

Wear clothes you love

We’re all different shapes and sizes, so it can be tricky to find a look that works for your body type. The key is learning to layer with pieces you love and finding a common thread in the outfits you wear.

Sexy plus size clothing comes in many forms—flowing maxi dresses, high-waisted jeans and crop tops are just some examples. There’s no one right way to do it, as long as you feel good about yourself while doing it! It’s important to remember that feeling confident makes you even more attractive than what you’re wearing—so don’t be afraid to show off your personality or individual sense of style! 

Whether it’s picking out something new for your wardrobe or trying out a fresh hair style, there are so many ways to feel sexy; if you have an awesome figure and know how to work it, then why not flaunt it?

In today’s modern world of fierce competition when our appearances matter more than ever before, knowing how to dress well as plus size women has become an essential life skill. You may want to embrace fashion trends that make every woman look pretty and glamorous but never try too hard. Plus size clothes usually come in trendy styles like ruffles but keep them modest enough not to appear outrages.

Don’t care what people think

Plus size women face unique challenges. There are unwritten rules about what plus size women can and cannot wear, what their bodies can look like, and how they should present themselves in public.

Plus size women spend a lot of time thinking about how other people see them and whether or not they’re being judged based on their appearance. But rather than trying to make others see you as attractive, it’s far more important to feel sexy and confident without worrying too much about what other people think. When it comes to your appearance, remember that self-esteem is everything—when you love yourself fully, others will love you too! In short, don’t care what people think and own your biz. Be proud of who you are!

What makes one look plus size?: Even though there is no hard rule for where a woman stops looking plus size there are some guidelines we can follow while examining our own clothing choices.

Don’t wait to be confident

You’ve probably heard it before, but trust us: Your clothes have no idea what you look like naked. That doesn’t mean you can’t dress for your body type and be confident. Remember that a blouse isn’t going to care if it makes your boobs look big, or if your tummy is exposed in a midi skirt. You might think that you don’t have access to trends and styles because of where you fall on plus-size clothing charts, but there are so many ways to work around those limitations and dress in flattering clothing (and looking good doesn’t make you any less humble).

All girls deserve to feel great about themselves in their clothes, no matter what they wear. With help from people like the YouTube series, The Skinny Confidential , here are three simple principles to follow when shopping for sizes 14 and up.

First rule: Don’t limit yourself . Part of being fashionable means trying new looks, colors, silhouettes—everything—even if they seem outside your comfort zone at first.

Second rule: It’s all in the details . Find pieces with interesting trims and details to add dimension without creating bulk. Think lots of fringe with black or denim jeans; ruffles under shorts; bold floral prints under buttoned-up shirts.

Third rule: Use accessories . Everything from belts to scarves helps create more shape and definition by cinching at certain points on your body. When in doubt, reach for them first!

Accessories are key

The key elements to look for in a plus size baddie are accessories. Wearing one single statement piece can work to make you stand out, if it’s done right. Accessories add flair and personality to an outfit, and with that extra flare, you’ll be sure to take up everyone’s attention when you walk into a room.

When you’re ready to step out in your next look, keep these tips in mind: Opt for bold jewelry like earrings or bracelets in bold materials such as silver or gold that have unique designs or accents.

Get creative with your accessories! They’re what will draw people’s attention first — after all, they catch eyes first before any other detail does — so choose ones that truly reflect your style. What kind of accessories do you gravitate towards? Do you love rings? Necklaces? Bracelets? Find inspiration from your favorite celebs or even snap shots on Instagram and create looks based off them. Whether they’re sporting a leopard print dress or rocking bright colors on their lips, find aspects that capture your eye and incorporate them into future outfits! Feel free to play around with different styles too; maybe there’s some tribal-inspired jewelry that strikes your fancy but won’t work with certain outfits. Try getting some temporary tattoos (think henna) instead; there are plenty of awesome floral options perfect for Spring/Summertime fashion!

Show off your figure!

The plus size baddie is not afraid to show off her assets! Whether it’s an undergarment showing, a wink wink or an almost-tasteful nude shot, there are plenty of ways to make sure your Instagram followers know you aren’t shy. You don’t want them to confuse you with another blogger who doesn’t have a clue how to use her curves. That would just be tragic. 

When flaunting your body on social media remember these elements: remember to do so in a tasteful way. After all, for every naked selfie that goes viral we’re presented with ten more gratuitous attempts at getting likes and follows. There has been backlash against bloggers for trying too hard – and sometimes that can be attributed to blatant nudity (yes even on Instagram). But those pics are usually outnumbered by Instas featuring bralettes, lingerie and dress cinched waists that create an hourglass silhouette which highlight any hourglass-like attributes naturally possessed by curvy bodies – like extra cleavage!

It’s more than outfits, be a baddie with your overall look

Follow these tips to step up your look, and keep yourself on-trend. You’ll definitely be noticed for all the right reasons. Whether you want to boost your confidence at work or school, or just want a fresh take on an old style, we’ve got you covered. So get ready! You’re about to become a baddie.

We hope you like it. 😉 !!! Use #hoodoverhollywood hashtag when sharing photos of your looks, or tag @hoodoverhollywood in every post 🙂 especially when making a style statement post. You don’t think the fashion designers, and fashionistas aren’t paying attention to us? Well guess again, they are always looking at Hood Over Hollywood to see what is trending in the streets!


You’ve probably noticed a lot of mainstream clothing for plus-size women caters to a certain style. It’s not exactly sexy and it’s not exactly glamorous; it looks more like what a woman wearing her boyfriend’s T-shirt would look like. There are a few reasons for that: plus-size women make up nearly 40% of all American women over 18, according to new data from Gallup, so they have actual spending power—women who wear sizes 0 through 10 make up just under 10% of adult women in America.

Additionally, there are fewer options out there for brands to sell. But finally, major retailers aren’t interested in making clothes that appeal to every single customer; rather, they want clothes that are going to pull shoppers into their stores (and boost margins). All of these factors conspire against women wearing anything other than stretchy pants. And we get it: we like stretchy pants too!

Be sure to check out 900+ Baddie ideas from Hood Over Hollywood on Pinterest 

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